𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒷𝑜𝓎 𝒾𝓈 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑒


My nightmares have begun to go away, now I get them every once in a while. Whenever I do get them, I go to Camilo's room (If I'm not already in there) and go sleep with him to make me feel better. He always strokes my hair and gives me forehead kisses which makes me all happy and helps me sleep. 

Right now, I'm with Mirabel as she sews designs on my skirt. She wanted to give it a more 'personalized look'. I'm alright with this because Mira is very good at sewing. My pet rat is sitting on my shoulder and eating some bread. I'm sitting in Mirabel's room in my shorts as I wait for her to finish. 

"And then Tío Félix told me that Tía Pepa slipped on a rain puddle that she created! So naturally, she started to cry, I mean they were just kids. Then along came Tío Félix who apparently had a crush on her since the beginning of time. He held a hand out to her even though it was pouring rain on his head, but as he walked up to her He slipped on a puddle! Instead of getting mad, he began to laugh which made Tía laugh and that's how their love story began," Mirabel explains to me as she sews on an f/c butterfly onto my skirt. 

"Childhood best friends to lovers. So cute! I can totally imagine baby Félix frying to sweep Pepa off her feet and then falling," I smile. Jessi squeaks in acknowledgment. I pet my small rat who coos into my hand. 

"You're looking more and more like Bruno with your pet rat. It's kind of adorable," Mirabel looks up at me for a second. I smile with a warm feeling in my heart. For some reason, I always like it when people compare me to Tío Bruno. He's just so... cool?

"Thanks. You know, Jessi knows a few tricks, wanna see?" I ask. Mirabel laughs.

"Sure, I'm almost done with this butterfly, so let me just... ok done" She looks up to me. I smile up at her. 

"Alright, Jessi. You ready?" I ask. My rat nods and gets into position.  I spin my finger in a circle then flick it up. Jessi spins in a circle then jumps up and meets my finger. 

"Ooo, wow," Mira claps. I smile as I take my finger and flip it backward. Jessi jumps up and then does a flip twist thing. She pauses for a second then flops onto her back. She stays completely still. Mirabel looks at the mouse then at me repeatedly. 

"Is... she dead?" Mira asks. Just as she says that Jessi jumps up and spins. Mirabel sighs in relief. 

"That last one is for jokes," I smile. She chuckles and nods. 

"I can tell. Your skirt is done by the way, here," She holds out my skirt up to me. I take it and then put it on. It looks amazing and certainly looks better. I twirl around with a huge smile on my face.

"Thank you, Mira! It's amazing," I smile and give her a hug. 

"Oh, it's nothing. You look amazing," She responds. I give her a huge hug and then hold my hand out to Jessi. She scrambles up my arm and perches on my shoulder. I pick up my small bag and then Jessi crawls into my bag. 

"I have to get going. Camilo and I are going to go out today," I tell her. She sighs and nods. 

"Alright, have fun and don't make me a Tía alright?" She jokes. I push her shoulder in an annoyed fashion. 

"Shut up," I smile and then walk out her door. 

"Bye!" Mirabel calls out to me.

"Bye," I wave her off with a smile. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen where Bruno and Luisa are sitting. 

"Hola Tío Bruno. Hola Luisa," I say as I walk in. Jessi pops her head out to see Bruno. Adorable

"Hey, kid. Where you off to?" Bruno asks me as he hands me a piece of bread to feed Jessi with. 

"Going out with Camilo," I tell him. He nods and smiles. 

"Nice. If you guys see some cloth at the market, do you think you can buy some? I'll pay you back," Bruno asks me. It's probably for his rats. He has taken to making them some clothes for whenever they get cold. 

"Of course, but you can check for some cloth in my office. It's in a small door on the right of the desk," I tell him. He nods to me then scurries off. 

"Luisa, whatcha doing today?" I ask her as I take a seat next to her. 

"Well, today is my day for relaxation, so probably nothing," She tells me.

"You should take a bath. It could help relax your muscles and your mind. Light some candles, put some flowers in there, and put cucumbers on your eyes. Relaxing stuff, you know," I say. She smiles at me and nods. 

"That's a great idea. Thanks, Y/n. I hope you have a good time on your date," She says as she heads off to her bedroom. 

"I will," I tell her as I wait patiently for Camilo. On cue, Camilo comes down the stairs with his signature poncho. He gives me a smirk and walks over to me. 

"Have you been waiting long, Amor?" He asks me as I stand up. I smile over to him and take his hand. 

"Not too long love. Now let's go," I smile.

We walk to the town square together and I begin to hear music. Like dancing music (Like imagine the dance sequence from Tangled). Out of curiosity, I pull us towards the town center. There I see a small band who are playing a simple dancing tune. The people of our town are dancing and laughing together as they spin around. I gasp at the sight in front of me. 

"I didn't know that we had a band here!" I say looking at Camilo. His gaze is fixed on the dancing in front of us. I feel Jessi gaze out of the bag. She crawls up to my shoulder and tugs on my hair. That usually indicates that she wants to be put down. I crouch down and place her on the floor as she scurries off. 

"We don't. It must be a traveling band. We've had a few of these in the past," He says with a smile. 

"It's amazing! Can we go dance?" I ask him and tug on his arm. He laughs and smiles a bit. 

"I don't know my back it just-" He jokes and arches his back. I pout and he lets out a sigh. 

"But I'd do anything for you Amor," He tells me and grabs my hand. He pulls me into the dancing circle. He spins me around and then grabs a hold of my waist. We spin and twirl and laugh. He picks me up by the waist, and in sync, with everyone else, he spins me around in the air which makes me yelp. He laughs at my surprise and then places me back down. We continue to dance in the sunlight. I look up at Camilo whose eyes were staring down at me. He wore a dorky smile and his eyes twinkle in the sunlight. 

"You're beautiful, you know," He says. I blush and look away slightly. 

"You're not too bad yourself," I mumble a blushing mess. He looks at me amused. 

"Don't be all shy now," He jokes. I blush more and look back at him. 

"Whatever," I blush. He plants a kiss on my cheek. He twirls me and then our dancing line shifts and I become partners with a tall girl with light brown hair. She has light freckles dusting her face and she gives me a big smile. I look over to see Camilo become partners with a girl around our age with black hair that is braided into a thick braid along her back. She's looking at him like he's some sort of God and I see a blush spread across her face. Another girl who is in love with my boyfriend. Too bad for her that he loves me and if she tries anything I will drag her. The girl I'm dancing with picks me up and spins me. I dance with her and she spins me around and skips with me. I get tired and decide to leave the small dancing circle for a break. I look back at the dancing circle and I see Camilo trying to leave to come sit next to me, but the girl he's dancing with seems infatuated with him. He pleads to me and I stifle a laugh. 

'How's the woman cult?' I mouth to him. He rolls his eyes at me. He's able to walk out of the dance floor, but the girl follows him. I think I might need to help my boyfriend. It's got to be hard having to beat the ladies off with a stick. I see the girl grab his arm. He turns to her and tries to shake her off. I pick up my step. I see her try to lean towards MY boyfriend. I see Camilo shove her off gently, not wanting to hurt her. I swear he is too nice. 

*cue song: That Boy is Mine*

"What are you doing?" I ask with a fake smile on my face as I stand next to Camilo. The girl's green eyes dart between Camilo and I. 

"Who are you?" She asks. I smile and hold my hand out to her. 

"Y/n, Y/n Madrigal," I tell her. She scoffs at me. 

"You're not a Madrigal. I know all of the Madrigals and you're not one of them. Now excuse me you fake, but I have to go back to dancing with my boyfriend," She says glaring at me and grabbing Camilo's arm. This bitch. 

"I'm not your boyfriend," Camilo says annoyed, He rips his arm from her grip. She looks back at him in a confused fashion. 

"You know. You're really funny. So very funny. Because last time I checked Camilo is MY boyfriend and I am a Madrigal. Maybe not by blood, but I am a Madrigal. Now I think you should leave and take some time to think about your mistakes," I tell the girl with a wave of calm anger. She glares at me then looks at Camilo. 

"I liked him first," She mutters. I honestly admire her persistence, but she needs to learn that she has no chance. I remember what Ms. Ada told me about some girl named Juliana. I think I just met her. 

"Ok? And? Liking him first does nothing for you. I've been trying to keep this civil, but you're really getting on my nerves. So listen here. It doesn't matter if you liked him first. It doesn't matter that you 'know' all the Madrigals. What matters is that Camilo loves me and I'm his girlfriend, not you. So you better stay in your place, or we're going to have problems. And if I ever see or hear that you tried to kiss my boyfriend again. I will make your life a living nightmare. Do you understand?" I ask her as I step in front of Camilo causing the girl to step back. 

"W-whatever,' She turns around and runs off. I laugh in amusement. Camilo comes up behind me and slides his hands around my waist. 

"I think you made her cry," He says with a slight chuckle. 

"She's lucky that I didn't send her home with a black eye," I mumble. He kisses me on my cheek then places his chin on my head. 

"I think you did enough damage to her ego,"

"Her ego was huge. I mean the audacity of this bitch to be like 'I need to dance with my boyfriend' in front of ME. I have to admit that she is bold," I sigh. He laughs. 

"Very bold. Very annoying. I didn't even expect her to try to kiss me. It was so out of the blue," He says as he releases me and grabs my hand. 

"She must've been desperate," I sigh. He nods and then pulls me back into the dancing circle. 

"Let's take our mind off of her," He smiles. I give him a quick kiss and then I nod. 


Badabing Bada booommmmmm. 
